Casting for a Greener Future - Haworth Castings

Casting for a Greener Future

Published - 20th Jan 2022

How Haworth Castings is reducing its impact on the environment

In the wake of COP26, the need to reduce emissions and find more sustainable means of meeting our energy demands has never been more apparent. As a major contributor to pollution, it is incumbent on the global manufacturing industry to take all possible steps to reduce its impact on the environment. Haworth Castings takes this responsibility very seriously and, alongside the other businesses of Expromet Technologies Group, is working on a variety of initiatives to achieve this goal.

Haworth Castings – an environmentally aware manufacturing business

Lean Manufacturing

At the simplest level, Haworth Castings works continuously to ensure our manufacturing minimises the use of energy, materials and time to deliver the best outcomes at the lowest environmental cost. This includes recovering scrap metal, recycling our sand and swarf and reusing customer packaging where appropriate.

Waste-free design 

Our casting simulation software enables us to design products right first time, without the trial and error of melting metal, using sand or tooling. We can then produce prototypes quickly using methods including 3D scanning and printing, providing customers with an early opportunity to verify the product prior to committing to full production.

Throughout our design and manufacturing process we push the boundaries of engineering to achieve efficient and sustainable design, working towards lean and green manufacturing processes that benefit both our customers and the planet.

Helping our customers become more sustainable

Design for Manufacture

As well as helping customers minimise the energy and materials required for production by identifying the most efficient manufacturing process and by leveraging state-of-the-art casting simulation software, we also advise customers on design considerations to make the components themselves more efficient. In doing so, we can help customers in certain industry sectors make the systems they are developing more efficient so that they consume less energy and produce fewer emissions. Light-weighting in industries such as aerospace and automotive sectors is an example of how clever design can contribute to more efficient, greener systems.

Delivering for the renewable and green energy sectors

For many years, Haworth has supported customers in the Energy sector with our castings being used in applications such as pump & valve and safety critical equipment.

We have a keen interest in becoming more closely involved in clean energy solutions and are investing in schemes to promote green energy, including our recent participation in the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership WEST programme. The programme supports UK companies that have the potential to work in the offshore wind sector by helping them to develop and commercialise their offering to the sector.

Haworth Castings provides a cleaner manufacturing future

Haworth’s efforts form part of Expromet Technologies Group’s wider commitment to working towards a sustainable manufacturing future and Haworth Castings’ Managing Director Lachlan Buirds is fully behind the initiative:

“Like our sister companies we are committed to minimising our impact on the environment,” he confirms. “We know that our direct and indirect initiatives will help us play a leading role in the manufacturing supply chain driving the development of clean and renewable energy solutions – supporting our customers as well as helping the planet.”

For more information on our commitment to a greener future, please call +44 (0)1794 512 685 or email

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