Published - 12th Dec 2013
Foreign object debris (FOD) is an often used acronym in the casting industry which refers to “a substance, debris or article alien to a vehicle or system which potentially would cause damage.”(wikipedia)
FOD is often used in aviation to describe both the damage done to aircraft by foreign objects, and the foreign objects themselves.
Internationally, FOD costs the aviation industry about USD $13 billion per year in both direct (damage to components) and indirect (delays, unscheduled maintenance etc.) costs which is why it is such a hot topic for our aviation customers.
At Haworth we have rigorous testing and inspection procedures along with visual inspection to detect FOD in our castings.
Because of the growth of our aviation and defence clients and the importance of FOD detection we have recently created a dedicated quality manager role to be filled by Chris Kavanagh.
If you would like to know more about our foundry and our expert foundry team, please contact Haworth Castings on 01794 512685 or email
If you have a project, talk to our experienced sales team
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