Safety - Safe & Secure Workplace | Haworth Castings
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Operating in a safe and secure way is our top priority at all times.

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Having an effective approach to health and safety ensures that we are fulfilling our duty of care as an employer – keeping our staff safe and reducing the economic and social costs of any safety failures.

A safe and secure workplace

We have extremely robust measures in place to ensure that our work processes do not expose foundry staff to any undue risks. Our casting techniques have been developed and honed over many years to minimise the risk of any breakages and metal seepage and our experienced foundry engineers have a clear understanding of the parameters for each and every work process.

Our quality department specifically oversees activities in this area and provides a dedicated focus for workplace safety.

Keeping our people safe

We run a comprehensive and ongoing training programme to ensure that all staff understand how to work safely and share best practice. All staff wear the appropriate PPE (personal protective equipment) and we conduct regular servicing on our tools and machinery to ensure that our equipment remains ‘fit for purpose’.

It would be impossible to completely eliminate the risk of an accident. Instead, we must reduce this risk as much as possible by ensuring that everyone has the right training and that our people follow the correct work processes in everything they do. That way, we can continue to build on our track record of excellence in health and safety.

If you have a project, talk to our experienced sales team

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